The burqa (also spelled as burka) is a garment predominantly worn by Muslim women, which covers the entire body.
When wearing a burqa, the eyes are not visible, as the woman looks through a type of mesh that allows her to see without being seen.
There are various variations of the burqa that provide different levels of body coverage, such as:
In addition to the burqa, there are other forms of Islamic garments, such as the hijab, which is a headscarf worn to cover the hair, and the veil, which is a thin cloth used to cover the face or other body parts.
When it comes to taking passport photos, there are specific rules regarding the wearing of burqas. In general, passport photos require the face to be fully visible with an uncovered head.
However, exceptions to the acceptance criteria may apply if an individual can demonstrate that they have religious or philosophical reasons for opposing the uncovering of their head.
In such cases, the head may be covered with a headscarf, veil, turban, or similar garments. It's worth noting that there have been reported cases of distinctive groups wearing colanders or on their heads in passport photos.
Regardless of the type of garment worn, it is important to ensure that the face remains visible in all passport photos. While headscarves or other similar coverings may be acceptable, burqas or nikabs that cover the face entirely are generally not allowed in passport photos.
Camera at Eye Level. Arm's Length Distance.
Stand Upright. Head Straight.
Face Evenly Lit. Neutral expression.
No Selfie.
Head Not Tilted.
No Shadows on Face.
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